Cervical cancer

Presenting Problem

Bleeding after intercourse (Post Coital Bleeding), Irregular Vaginal Bleeding or Discharge, Abnormal Pap Smear. The majority of cervical cancers in Australia unfortunately still present in patients with a history of being overdue for their PAP smears. 


Usually with a colposcopy and biopsy but may require a day surgical cone biopsy to be sure. All cancers results are reviewed weekly by expert gynaecological pathologists andour doctors  in a multidisciplinary tumour board review meeting to ensure the highest possible standards of care are maintained.


Depends on how big and the position of the tumour. Surgery (laparoscopic, robotic or open radical hysterectomy +/- nodes) or chemoradiation (a combination of radiation and low dose weekly chemotherapy to make it more effective) are the mainstays of treatment and are identically effective for this type of cancer stage for stage. Fertility sparing procedures for appropriate tumours are possible including radical trachelectomy. All treatment decisions will be individualised to suit patient needs and requirements. 

Follow Up

We  will coordinate follow up after treatment is completed with 3 monthly reviews for 2 years then 6 monthly reviews for a further 3 years. If you come from out of town alternate follow up arrangements can be made in conjunction with you local GP or gynaecologist.