Greenslopes Gynaecology has a large range of many different services that are offered to patients. If you’ve been looking to find out more about laparoscopic hysterectomy, one of our doctors would be happy to speak with you in depth about it all. Prior to your appointment, we are proud to offer the following information for you to read.
What is a hysterectomy?
This procedure involves removal of the uterus and cervix. It does not automatically imply removal of the ovaries (but this may be advised in certain situations). Removal of the uterus with conservation of the ovaries will stop any further menstrual bleeding but retain all normal hormonal function of the ovaries.
Heavy painful periods, endometriosis, fibroids, cancer, strong family history of cancer, hormonal imbalance and prolapse are the most common reasons for this surgery.
Do the doctors always have to remove my ovaries?
No! Most premenopausal women having a hysterectomy done for benign reasons e.g. for heavy painful periods will retain their ovaries (and therefore their normal hormonal function) and as a result do not require hormone replacement. Patients with some cancers and other conditions may require removal of their ovaries at the time of surgery. This will be discussed in detail during your consultation preoperatively.
How do doctors perform a laparoscopic hysterectomy?
The entire procedure is performed through 3-4 small cuts (all between half to one centimetre) via a high definition camera inserted through the belly button and specialised instruments.
What are the advantages?
The procedure has the big advantage of delicate handling of tissues, lower blood loss, minimal scarring and quicker return to function. This technique enables any problems such as adhesions to be dealt with immediately and effectively and also a comprehensive check of the entire abdomen at the same time. Most patients are suitable for this procedure.
Can cancers be treated laparoscopically?
Yes, most cervical and uterine cancers can be treated safely and very effectively via this technique. Some ovarian cancers are also able to be treated laparoscopically.
How long will I be in hospital?
The vast majority of patients are discharged after only 1-2 nights in hospital. Most patients are back functioning normally (and at work if so desired!) by 2 weeks.
Are there alternatives to hysterectomy?
Yes depending on what your problem is and how it affects you. Our doctors will always discuss potential alternatives where appropriate to give you options. The Mirena progesterone secreting IUD is a popular alternative in treating heavy painful periods for some patients and this can be arranged.
Will the laparoscopic operation be painful?
A certain amount of discomfort should be expected following any operation. During a laparoscopic operation, carbon dioxide will be used to inflate the abdomen giving the surgeons the room they need to operate. This rises to dull to moderate pain, which usually lasts no more then 12-24 hours. Gas and/or fluid may irritate the diaphragm resulting in possible shoulder tip pain in some patients. Any discomfort usually passes in 24-48 hours. Most patients are taking simple analgesia only on discharge from hospital.
Will I have vaginal bleeding after the operation?
You will have no further periods ever again! You may experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding, spotting or discharge immediately after the operation but this usually only lasts a few days.
Do I have to have stitches removed?
All sutures are usually of a self-absorbing variety and do not require removal at all. Our doctors will advise you if there are any variations to this.
Make an appointment with one of our doctors in Brisbane today
If you have any other queries regarding laparoscopic hysterectomy or something else regarding gynaecology in Brisbane, please call us on 07 3847 7879 or make an enquiry online.